MindSeize is a 2D Action-Adventure game set in a futuristic universe. The game is inspired by series like Metroid, Castlevania and Mega Man X. Exploration is key to success! Your main character is chasing a dangerous organization that is stealing people’s minds, leaving them in a coma. He was attacked by the leader of the organization, stealing his daughter’s mind and leaving him crippled. This left only one choice for our protagonist: hire a crew, connect his mind into a robot body and continue the chase.
A lead has taken the crew to an abandoned planet, Takomo-7, and the demo begins as you descend into a ruined city. The demo features one large area for you to explore, with multiple secrets, enemies and bosses within. You are equipped with a gun, a sword and a dash ability to help you move around. The sword and dashing uses Power while the gun regenerates it, so be mindful when using the high damage sword or dashing around!
Click here to visit the INDIEGOGO page! Developers Kamina Dimension are developing MindSeize for PC and Nintendo Switch, with a mid 2020 release date for consoles and 2020-02-04 on Steam.
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