Switch SuperSmashBrosUltimate direct 08082018 01

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct Livestream to be Broadcast on Wednesday, August 8th

A Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Nintendo)Direct is set to announce new game information and is to be delivered by director Masahiro Sakurai. You can tune in to watch the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Direct at 7am PT / 10am ET / 3pm BST / 4pm CEST / 11pm JST. Stream Links YouTube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awl4L0yVdkg Nintendo US site: https://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/08-08-2018/ Super Smash Bros. Ultimate had been the game that Nintendo had chosen to focus on at E3 2018. At E3 2018, Ridley had been revealed as a playable characterand.With every character making a return appearance it means that Ice Climbers, Wolf, Solid Snake and Pokémon Trainer, and more are back. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate will release exclusively for Nintendo Switch worldwide on December 7th.

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