Switch Yooka Replaylee 01

The Buddy Duo Returns! Yooka-Replaylee Announced for PC and Console

Relive the original classic platformer with a visual overhaul, new controls and camera system, plus new challenges and secrets

The beloved buddy-duo, Yooka and Laylee, are back and better than ever! Playtonic Games, the masterminds behind the acclaimed Banjo-Kazooie and Donkey Kong Country games, have announced the highly anticipated Yooka-Replaylee during the world premiere reveal at the Guerrilla Collective event.

Fans of the 2017 hit game Yooka-Laylee are in for a treat with the definitive remastered and enhanced version, Yooka-Replaylee, now self-published by Playtonic Friends. This release marks the culmination of almost 10 years of Playtonic’s experience as a company, as well as a new beginning for the dynamic duo.

“We are thrilled to bring Yooka-Replaylee to our fans and introduce it to a new generation of players,” says Gavin Price, Creative Lead at Playtonic Games. “This remastered version is a result of our continuous growth as a company, our learnings from working on other projects, and most importantly, the feedback we have received from our dedicated community since the original release.”

So, what can fans expect from this remastered version? Let’s take a closer look at some of the key features that make Yooka-Replaylee a must-have for any platforming enthusiast.

Beauty in Every Detail

Yooka-Replaylee boasts a stunning art and animation overhaul, giving the lovable duo a new lease on life. With enhanced performance and resolution, Yooka and Laylee have never looked or moved better. Every detail has been carefully crafted to bring these characters to life in the most vibrant and beautiful way possible.

New and Improved Challenges

In addition to revamping the visuals, Playtonic has also added new and improved challenges to the already exciting gameplay. Fans can expect to encounter brand new challenges as well as improvements to existing ones. These new challenges are sure to add an extra layer of excitement and difficulty for players to conquer.

Collect Hivory Towers’ Official Currency

Capital B’s minions have been busy dropping their hard-earned coins all over the place, and Yooka and Laylee are on a mission to collect them. This currency, known as “Hivory Towers,” can be spent on video games’ most beloved sentient vending machine, Vendi. Players can use these coins to unlock new and exciting upgrades and abilities to enhance their gameplay.

Navigating Made Easy

With the brand new world map and challenges tracker, players can now get lost in the game without getting lost in the world. This handy feature helps players keep track of their progress and know exactly where to go next. No more wandering aimlessly, trying to figure out what to do next.

Enhance Your Playstyle

Vendi has returned with a whole new range of tonics to offer players. With the ability to equip multiple game-changing enhancements, players can now customize their playstyle to their liking. And that’s not all, Vendi also has new lines of merchandise for the fashion-forward adventurer.

Who said video game characters can’t be fashionable?

Smooth Moves and Camera Controls

Fans will be delighted to know that the move set has been tweaked, making it easier to combine moves and execute them more fluidly. The camera controls have also been revised, making it easier to frame the action and get the best view of Yooka and Laylee’s adventure.

A Melodious Soundtrack

Last but not least, the original score from legendary video game composers, Grant Kirkhope (Banjo-Kazooie) and David Wise (Donkey Kong Country), has been given a new twist. Players can now indulge in a beautifully arranged orchestral soundtrack that will elevate their gaming experience to new heights.

So, get ready to clear out those ears and prepare to be serenaded by Yooka-Replaylee’s dreamy soundtrack.

The excitement around Yooka-Replaylee is undeniable, and fans cannot wait to get their hands on this remastered version of the beloved collectathon darling. Playtonic Games has once again proven their talent and expertise in creating unforgettable gaming experiences. Yooka-Replaylee is set to be released on all major gaming platforms later this year, and fans can expect a trip down memory lane with a refreshing and modern twist.

So, get ready to join Yooka and Laylee on their exciting adventure, and relive the nostalgia of an all-time favorite.

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