Ankora: Lost Days

Time to camp in the woods! Explore every corner of Ankora: Lost Days on September 15th

A cute-as-heck survival adventure from the Chibig Universe arrives to Nintendo Switch and PC

Welcome to the uncharted planet of Ankora! The new cute-as-heck survival adventure Ankora: Lost Days from the Chibig Universe launches on Nintendo Switch and Steam on September 15th. PS4, Xbox and Epic releases planned for later this year.

Ankora: Lost Days mixes terraforming, crafting and exploring mechanics in a wild planet with a colorful style. Mûn must learn to overcome obstacles: rivers, lakes and waterfalls, mountains, level jumps… And many monsters. She will soon learn to adapt to different biomes and adversities of all kinds, making her own paths, because Ankora is a unique and changing planet.

After its success on Kickstarter, hitting more than 95K€ on the crowdfunding platform, the studio keeps creating a universe of games connected by their stories and characters with a new adventure before the events in Deiland: Pocket PlanetandSummer in Mara.

About Ankora: Lost Days

Ankora is the moment in your life when you stop being a child and start standing on your own two feet. Mûn is a talented space explorer from the Interstellar Patrol who wants to prove herself to the Academy, but that leads her to make a serious mistake and end up trapped on the planet Ankora.

  • Play at your own pace, modifying the environment at will and surviving the different biomes and dangers in Ankora.
  • A tale about growing up, relying on others to overcome challenges and connect with the spirit of nature. A balance of exploration and terraforming mechanics while maintaining a focus on narrative.
  • Thanks to the inhabitants of Ankora, the Anks, Mûn will learn to craft her own tools and build different structures to make her own way through the planet.
  • The Anks will teach Mûn about empathy and helping each other, and Mûn will teach them to open up peacefully to other races.
  • Level up with each action and learn new recipes, skills in order to improve your chances of surviving.
  • Visuals inspired by the Studio Ghibli films like Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind with Polly Pocket- style scenarios. A game that encourages connecting with nature and learning to respect it

Chibig’s games focus on a pleasant and detailed aesthetic, while conveying an important message. With Ankora: Lost Days, Chibig wants to bring us to that moment in adolescence when we are no longer helpless children to face the responsibility of adulthood.

Posted in News, Switch.

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