Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Featured Image

Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier Review – A Unique Twist on Platformers for Nintendo Switch


“Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier,” is a unique take on the platformer genre that uses avoidance-based physics in innovative ways by using the kickback of the character’s weapons and thrusters to help you navigate through the levels. Developed by Kittens in Timespace, it was launched on October 26, 2023. This game offers an adventure in space like very few on the Nintendo Switch. A review copy was provided by the developers for this review and did not influence the summary and opinion in this review. It is also available on Steam for PC.


Set against a backdrop of interstellar delivery routes, players control Slippy the   Slug, who must navigate through space using the recoil of his weapons. This action-packed game blends physics-based challenges with platformer mechanics, offering a refreshing twist on traditional gameplay.

Graphics and Presentation:

“Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” sports vibrant, cartoon-style graphics that bring its intergalactic setting to life. The detailed environments—from alien jungles to icy tundras—are visually appealing and designed to complement the game’s playful and light-hearted tone.


The gameplay revolves around the ingenious use of weapon kickback to move Slippy around. This mechanic not only serves as a means of navigation but also adds a layer of strategic depth to the game. The levels are well-designed, offering a good mix of challenge and fun, with responsive controls that make the experience enjoyable and engaging.

Story and Narrative:

While the story is straightforward, focusing on Slippy and his partner Mr. McFly’s quest to retrieve scattered parcels and become the top delivery team, it’s the humorous and whimsical dialogues that add character to the game. The narrative does a great job of keeping players engaged without overshadowing the gameplay.

Sound and Music:

The audio is a standout feature, with a dynamic soundtrack that perfectly matches the game’s pace and setting. Sound effects are well-executed, enhancing the overall immersive experience of navigating through space and battling against cosmic obstacles.

Replayability and Content:

With fifty main levels and additional unlockable bonus challenges, “Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” offers plenty of content to keep players returning. The game encourages mastery through its replayable levels, each designed to test different aspects of the core mechanics.

Multiplayer and Online Features:

While the game primarily focuses on a one-at-a-time single-player experience, it includes competitive elements like leaderboards to compete with other players. Players can compare scores and completion times, adding a social aspect to the gameplay gamers used to have where we would play at home or a friend’s house with family or friends.

Technical Performance:

“Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” performs flawlessly on the original Nintendo Switch, with no noticeable bugs or glitches. The game’s optimization ensures smooth gameplay, which is crucial for a game relying heavily on precise mechanics.

Value for Money:

At $13.99, the game is priced affordably, offering great value given the quality and quantity of content. It’s an attractive purchase for those looking for a novel gameplay experience without a hefty price tag.

Comparison and Context:

Compared to other physics-based platformers, “Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” stands out for its innovative use of the kickback mechanic. It offers a fresh perspective within the genre and should appeal to fans of both action games and puzzle-platformers.

Personal Opinion:

“Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” is a departure from the games I normally play, but I was not disappointed in the challenge. The gameplay and the visuals make it easy to play and provide something different than what I am used to playing. For me, the controls took a little while to adjust to. Once I was accustomed to it, I was able to move along through the levels and feel like I was making progress. This allowed me to enjoy the story rather than struggle to make my way through the mechanics. The game’s creative mechanics and humorous narrative make it a standout title that’s worth exploring a little more. This is a game I would come back to play again.


For those in search of a game that combines innovation, challenge, and humor, “Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” is a must-try. It successfully mixes elements of action, adventure, and puzzles into a cohesive and enjoyable experience.


I would give “Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” a strong 8.0 out of 10 for its originality, engaging gameplay, and overall fun factor.

Images and Media:

Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Main Menu

Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Main Menu

Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Level Select

Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Level Select

Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Gameplay

Kickback Slug Cosmic Courier Gameplay

Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier Review – A Unique Twist on Platformers for Nintendo Switch
  • 8/10
    Gameplay - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Graphics - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Learning Curve - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Story - 8/10
  • 8/10
    Overall Fun Factor - 8/10


For those in search of a game that combines innovation, challenge, and humor, “Kickback Slug: Cosmic Courier” is a must-try. It successfully mixes elements of action, adventure, and puzzles into a cohesive and enjoyable experience.

Posted in Reviews, Switch.

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