Bem Feito Featured Image

Bem Feito for Nintendo Switch: A Unique Retro-Horror Sim


Dive into the quirky and eerie world of “Bem Feito,” a game that brilliantly melds life simulation with subtle horror elements. Developed by oiCabie and brought to the Nintendo Switch by QUByte Interactive, this title was released on November 9, 2023, and offers a nostalgic throwback with a modern twist.


Set on the minuscule planet B-613, “Bem Feito” places you in the shoes of Reginaldo, engaging in daily chores while uncovering the planet’s secrets. This game distinguishes itself with its unique blend of simulation and horror, wrapped within the gameplay mechanics of an in-game emulator.

Graphics and Presentation:

The graphics are a homage to the pixel art style of the 1990s, with minimalist yet expressive designs that enhance the game’s mysterious aura. Character designs and environments are simple but effective, creating a distinctive look that stands out in today’s market.


Players navigate daily tasks like fishing, cooking, and gardening through an emulator interface, making the gameplay feel both retro and innovative. The controls are intentionally unconventional, challenging players to adapt, which aligns well with the game’s overall theme of unfamiliarity and discovery.

Story and Narrative:

The storyline of “Bem Feito” is intriguing, focusing on everyday life that gradually reveals darker undertones. The narrative is subtly woven through mundane tasks, with the interactions and decisions affecting the game’s outcome, providing depth to the seemingly simple actions.

Sound and Music:

The audio elements of “Bem Feito” are understated yet effective, with ambient sounds that enhance the immersive experience. The music is sparse, which amplifies the isolation and eeriness of the game’s setting.

Replayability and Content:

While the game features a relatively linear path, the variety of choices and subtle changes in the storyline encourage multiple playthroughs. However, its simplicity and short duration might not appeal to those seeking more robust content.

Multiplayer and Online Features:

“Bem Feito” is a strictly single-player experience, focusing deeply on personal interaction with the game environment and its narrative.

Technical Performance:

The game runs smoothly on the original Nintendo Switch with minimal load times and no significant bugs reported. Its performance is solid, providing a seamless experience for all players.

Value for Money:

Priced appropriately for its content and quality, “Bem Feito” offers good value, especially for players who appreciate artistic uniqueness and narrative depth in their games.

Comparison and Context:

Compared to other life simulation games, “Bem Feito” stands out for its integration of horror elements and its unique emulator-based gameplay. It might not have the depth of larger titles, but offers a distinct experience not commonly found in the genre.

Personal Opinion:

I found “Bem Feito” to be a captivating blend of simplicity and mystery. Its unique approach to gameplay and storytelling made it a memorable experience, though it may not satisfy those looking for a more traditional sim game such as that of Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing. It reminded me of playing role playing games on the Nintendo Game Boy in the 1990s without more detailed elements of an RPG.

This is a great game if you do not like to get hung up on tricky spot within a game that keeps you from progressing. Each item of the day’s checklist items and the unraveling of the story blend and move at a good pace with no side quests to keep you distracted from the story nor moving it forward. The pace is as much as you want it to be, and being able to save allows you to jump in and out as needed with your schedule. This game would do well on a mobile device or on Windows, macOS, or Linux.


“Bem Feito” is a must-try for those intrigued by its retro style and novel gameplay. While it might not appeal to every gamer, its artistic charm and innovative design make it a noteworthy addition to the Nintendo Switch library. It is an engaging blend of nostalgia and innovation, offering players a unique escape to the tiny planet B-613, where daily chores mesh with subtle horror to create an enthralling gaming experience.

The game does not provide the extensive content of more mainstream life sims like “Stardew Valley” or “Animal Crossing,” but its distinct style and emulator-based gameplay offer a fresh perspective on the genre. This game captures the essence of 1990s role playing games, offering simplicity and a smooth narrative flow without overwhelming the player with complex side quests.

Its pace is adjustable to player preference, which, coupled with the ability to save progress, makes it ideal for fitting into various schedules. For those seeking a game that progresses at a steady clip without unnecessary diversions and emphasizes a captivating storyline, “Bem Feito” is certainly worth the investment.


7.5 out of 10 – “Bem Feito” is a well-executed concept with a clear vision, offering enough intrigue and charm to warrant a playthrough, especially for fans of niche simulation games. It doesn’t feel finished and might leave you feeling like you want more story to stay in the world that has been created.

Images and Media:

Bem Feito Main Menu

Bem Feito Main Menu

Bem Feito Inside Home

Bem Feito Inside Home

Bem Feito Chores

Bem Feito Chores

Bem Feito Outside Home

Bem Feito Outside Home

Bem Feito Complete Chore

Bem Feito Complete Chore

Bem Feito Sewer

Bem Feito Sewer

  • 7.5/10
    Gameplay - 7.5/10
  • 7.5/10
    Graphics - 7.5/10
  • 7.5/10
    Learning Curve - 7.5/10
  • 7.5/10
    Story - 7.5/10
  • 7.5/10
    Overall Fun Factor - 7.5/10


“Bem Feito” is a must-try for those intrigued by its retro style and novel gameplay. While it might not appeal to every gamer, its artistic charm and innovative design make it a noteworthy addition to the Nintendo Switch library. It is an engaging blend of nostalgia and innovation, offering players a unique escape to the tiny planet B-613, where daily chores mesh with subtle horror to create an enthralling gaming experience.

Posted in Reviews, Switch.

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